Introduction to YAML
YAML and JSON are the languages you can use for CloudFormation.
JSON is horrible for CF
YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language (Wikipedia)
It is perfect for DevOps to create input files to manage objects into different systems like Kubernetes and Ansible
It uses indentation to identify relations
When combined with Github, its an excellent way to manage and update configurations in a structured way
YAML is great in so many ways
Key value Pairs
Nested objects
Support Arrays (also called group and defined by
) -
Multi line strings
Example -
date: 2001-01-23
given: Chris
family: Duma
street: 458 Walkman Dr.
suite: Suite #292
city: Royal Oak
state: MI
postal: 48046
- product:
sku: BL394D
description: Basketball
quantity: 4
price: 450.00
- product:
sku: BL4438H
description: Super Hoop
quantity: 1
price: 2392.00