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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IAM (Identity and Access Management) in AWS

IAM (Identity and Access Management) allows for both authentication and authorization in your AWS account.

  • Authentication: Proving an identity.
  • Authorization: Determining permissions to perform actions.
  • IAM is designed primarily for identity-based access control and supports cross-account behavior.

AWS Service API Endpoint

  • Everything in AWS is API driven - All the task and actions performed within AWS is executed using API endpoint.
  • API endpoints are regional (except few such as Route53 and Cloudfront).
  • All Service API endpoint require permission and credentials.

Ways to Interact with AWS Service API Endpoint

There multiple ways to interact with AWS such as -

  • AWS Console - Using username and password
  • AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) - It uses API keys, can also be used for autmation as well.
  • AWS SDK (Software Development Key) - SDK also use API keys.

AWS Console

  • The AWS console is often the easiest way for users to interact with AWS services.
  • It’s beneficial for beginners to learn about services.

Advantages of the AWS Console

  • Current Features and Interfaces: Provides access to the latest features and user interfaces.
  • Combined Actions: Allows users to perform multiple actions through a single operation (e.g., creating an Elastic Load Balancer through a wizard).
  • User Guidance: Offers suggestions for required fields and provides error codes when something goes wrong.

Disadvantages of the AWS Console

  • Automation Challenges:
    • Cannot automate tasks while using the console.
    • Frequent UI changes make it hard to rely on a consistent layout.
  • Scalability Issues:
    • Launching many resources (e.g., 100 EC2 instances) requires excessive manual clicks.
  • Human Error:
    • Involves risk of mistakes due to manual input.
  • Frequent UI Changes:
    • AWS regularly updates its UI, which can lead to confusion for users.

AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)

Overview of the AWS CLI

  • It is a way to access the AWS services and interact with them in more flexible way using commands only.
  • Can be downloaded or installed as a package.
  • Unified command structure under a single executable (aws).

Command Structure

aws [options] <command> <subcommand>

  1. General Options: Specify region, output format, filtering, and sorting options.
  2. Command: Corresponds to a specific AWS service API (e.g., EC2, S3, RDS).
    • Note: Not all services have unique command names (e.g., VPC operations are under EC2).
  3. Sub Commands: Specify actions related to a command (e.g., run-instances for launching EC2 instances).
  4. Parameters: Detailed options associated with commands and sub commands.


  • AWS SDKs (Software Development Kits) are libraries that simplify interaction with AWS services.
  • They provide a consistent interface across different programming languages
  • Have integerated authentication support.
  • Replaces AWS API calls.