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Types of Kubernetes Configuration

Kubernetes Configuration

Type of configurationDescription
All-in-One single node installationWith all-in-one, all the master and worker components are installed on a single node. This is very useful for learning, development and testing. This type should not be used in production. Minikube is one such example.
Single node etcd, single master and multi-worker installationIn this step, we have a single master node which also runs a single-node etcd instance. Multiple worker nodes are connected to the master node
Single node etcd, multi-master and multi-worker installationIn this setup, we have multiple master nodes, which works in a high availability mode that and we have a single node etcd instance. Multiple worker nodes are connected to the master

The role of the Kubernetes API

  • An Application Programmers Interface (API) is the interface between a client and a server
  • An API is used to standardize how to access items provided by the server
  • The Kubernetes API provides access to all that is needed to run containers in a cloud-native enivronment.

Options for Working with Kubernetes

  • The kubectl command line utility provides convenient developer access, allowing you to run many tasks related to your applications
  • kubectl is the only interface that matters for CKAD
  • Direct API access using commands, such as curl, allows developers to address the cluster using API calls from custom scripts
  • Using direct API requests is uncommon, but can be useful for getting more insight
  • The Kubernetes Dashboard can be installed to run on the Kubernetes master node

Using kubectl

  • kubectl is the only interface to Kubernetes that you need
  • It has a lot of options, allowing you to manage everything your application needs in a Kubernetes environment
  • Use kubectl --help for an overview of its options
  • For cluster administration tasks (not in CKAD), there's also the kubeadm utility
  • Use kubectl create deploy myapp --image=myimage to run your first application