- A container is a self-contained ready-to-run application
- This is what makes it different from a virtual machine!
- Containers have all on board that is required to start the application
- To start a container, a container runtime is required
- The container runtime is running on a host platform and establishes communication between the local host kernel and the container
- So, all containers, no matter what they do, run on top of the same local host kernel
VM vs Containers
Understanding container components
- Images are read-only environments that contain the runtime environment, which includes the application and all libraries it requires
- Containers are the isolated runtime environments where the application is running. By using namespaces the containers can be offered as a strictly isolated environment
- Registries are used to store images. Docker Hub is a common registry, other registries exist (like and private registries can be created also.
In kubernetes Docker Hub registry is used as the default registry.
Containers are Linux
- Containers are based on features offered by the Linux operating system
- Linux Kernel Namespaces provide strict isolation between system components at different levels -
- network
- file
- users
- processes
- IPCs
- Namespaces are like the protective walls that keep containers separate and secure. They ensure that each container has its own private space, preventing conflicts and ensuring a reliable and efficient environment for running applications.
- Linux CGroups offer resource allocation and limitation
Linux CGroups make sure that a container should never go beyond a certain amount of resource allocation.
Container runtime
- The container runtime allows for starting and running the container on top of the host OS
- The container runtime is responsible for all parts of running the container which are not already a part of the running container program itself
- Different container runtime solutions exist
- docker
- Lxc
- runc
- cri-o
- containerd
- These runtimes are included in the different container solutions provided by OCI.
Open Container Initiative (OCI)
OCI is the Open Containers Initiative ( (opens in a new tab)). It standardizes the use of containers
- The image-spec defines how to package a container in a "filesystem bundle"
- The runtime-spec defines how to run that filesystem in a container
- OCI standardization ensures compatibility between containers, no matter which environment they originally come from
- The result is that for instance images made for Docker work without modifications in Red Hat Podman