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Elastic Compute Cloud
Network Load Balancer

Network Load Balancer




Create a Traget Group if does't exist

Step 1: Go to EC2 >> Target Group >> Create a Target Group

Step 2: Select Instance in Target Group type and Provide a Target Group name and corrensponding port and Protocol.

Step 3: Select Address Type - IPv4 and select VPC >> click Next

Step 4: Register the targets by selecting the instance

Step 5: Create a Terget Group

Steps to setup a Network Load Balancer

Step 1: Go to EC2 >> Load Balancer >> Craete a Load Balancer

Step 2: Select Network Load Balancer (NLB) >> Configure with follwoing details -

  • Load Balancer Name
  • Scheme > Internet Facing
  • Load Balancer IP address type > IPv4

Step 3: Under Network mapping

  • Select VPC and the AZ yu want to enable for

Step 4: Create a Security Group for your NLB

Step 5: Configure the listeners so to let the listeners know where to route traffic for particular incoming request

  • Protocol: TCP
  • Port: 80
  • Default Action: Select Target group (This is where we will route the traffic)

Step 6: Click on Create Load Balancer

Step 7: Copy the DNS name and updated the DNS record of route 53.