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YAML in K8s

Understanding YAML

Basic YAML Manifest Ingredients

The properties are case sensetive

All of the YAML manifest ingredients are defined in the API

  • apiVersion: specifies which version of the API to use for this object
  • kind: indicates the type of object (Deployment, Pod, etc.)
  • metadata: contains administrative information about the object
  • spec: contains the specifics for the object

Use kubectl explain to get more information about the basic properties

Container Components

In the containers spec, different parts are needed

  • name: the name of the container
  • image: the image that should be used
  • command: the command the container should run
  • args: arguments that are used by the command
  • env: environment variables that should be used by the container

These are all a part of the pod.spec.container.spec, which can be checked with kubectl explain

Example YAML file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: mypod
    namespace: default
        - name: busybox
          image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx 

You can use kubectl explain --recursive pod | less to get detailed information about all the field, sub-resource and it's meaning.

Using Kubernetes the Declarative Way

  • The imperative way of working with Kubernetes is where you create everything from the command line
  • In the declarative way, YAML files are typically stored in a Git repository, which fits well into a DevOps strategy
  • The declarative approach is nice, as it allows you to create multiple resources from a single YAML file
  • kubectl create -f my.yaml is used to create resources from YAML
  • kubectl apply -f my.yaml will create a resource if it doesn't exist yet, and modify if it already exists and has been created with kubectl apply earlier
  • kubectl replace -f my.yaml will replace a resource with the new configuration as in the YAML file

Generating YAML Files

  • Do NOT write YAML files, generate them
  • To generate YAML files, use --dry-run=client -o yaml > my.yaml as an argument to the kubectl run and kubectl create commands (covered later)

For Example -

kubectl run myginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > myginx.yaml

Points to Remember

kubectl run mybusybox --image=busybox -- sleep 3600 --dry-run=client -o yaml 
controlplane $ kubectl run mybusybox --image=busybox -- sleep 3600 --dry-run=client -o yaml
pod/mybusybox created
controlplane $ kubectl get pods
NAME        READY   STATUS             RESTARTS     AGE
mybusybox   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   1 (2s ago)   7s

You notice the STATUS saying CrashLoopBackOff it is because the argument in the command where -- space means you're telling the kubectl that you're done with the resource and whatever comes after that wil be interpreted.

kubectl run mybusybox --image=busybox --dry-run=client -o yaml --sleep> myginx.yaml

This will run fine.